Hare hunting in Belarus is extremely interesting and tempting. The animal is very fast and agile. It has excellent hearing and extreme alertness. In many ways, therefore, catching a hare on a hunt is an honorable mission. There are two main species in the country: the hare-hare and the white hare. The first one is characterized by a larger number. The shooting of these animals is prohibited for a significant part of the year. Allowed period: from mid-autumn to the end of January.

Hare hunting in Belarus: deadlines

Thus, the permitted hunting period is dated by the following dates: from October 2 to January 30. A common opinion is the possibility of catching the "cowardly" throughout the year. However, this is a common misconception. The process of catching hares is quite interesting and fascinating. Their meat is considered a delicacy, and their skin is valuable.

The most popular and frequently used methods of hunting include the following:

  • from an ambush;
  • paddock (with hounds, hunting birds);
  • from the approach;
  • on the trail (with a search);
  • the trail.

The most interesting hunting in winter

In winter, the animal becomes especially timid and cautious. To catch the "oblique" will require all the skill of the hunter. Possession of a gun at a high level will be very useful. After all, getting into the shadow that merges with the snow depends on the accuracy of the shot and the reaction. During the permitted period, it is allowed to hunt hares of any gender and age in the daytime.

Hare hunting in Belarus: hunting rules

Due to high fertility (4 times a year for 2-8 or more cubs) the population is sufficient to conduct a successful hunt. Experienced specialists of "DERHUNT" will tell you about all the subtleties of organizing a hunting tour in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, will consult in detail about the rules and terms of hare hunting in Belarus.

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